Depending on your site's features, there are a number of different Google Map API types, each with different costs per map request. The below information covers the various Google APIs that we use on our sites as well as some detail on how the pricing structure works.


API Type
Price (per 1,000 requests)
Required For
Maps Embed APIFreeOperator listing page maps
Maps JavaScript API$7Hybrid Gadget maps
Region Gadget maps
Itinerary maps
Campaign maps
Package maps
Geocoding API$5Itinerary maps
Campaign maps
Package maps
Places API$17Google Reviews

We find that most of our clients are never charged a map fee at all, as Google offers $200 credit per month.

What is a request?

A request is, simply, any time a map is loaded on a page. This means that, were a user to view a Hybrid Gadget page with a map, for example, this would be one request. If that user was to then refresh that same page, that would count as a second request as the map has been loaded again.