Bookeasy is the leading destination management system for the Tourism Industry. The system is currently being used by over 200 destinations encompassing Visitor Information Centres, National Parks, Property Managers, and Specialised Tourism Providers across Australia, New Zealand, and Asia. We also have over 45,000 active tourism operator consoles currently being used, making it one of Australia's largest content providers for the tourism industry.

In order for destinations to be able to book local and national operators the operator has a "Bookeasy Member Console" where they load rates/availability and content. This is displayed internally to the destination via their "Bookeasy Staff Console" and via the destination website, where you will be tasked with integrating the technology.

Below should allow for you to get a high level understanding of the hierarchy of data in Bookeasy.

Booking Centre

The booking centre is the source of all the data. Each centre has a unique identifier that is used in various places. The identifier is usually displayed in the source code as q=XXXX EG "q=1234"

The Booking Centre also creates all of the configuration for operators, including: categories, business types, locations, facilities.


Operator consoles are created by the Booking Centre and the operator is assigned various configurations such as: operator category, business types, locations etc; this then allows a web developer to display them on the website effectively.

Operators are also responsible for loading their bookable product into Bookeasy to display via the beGadgets. The operator console is also where they load images/descriptions. Each operator in Bookeasy contains a unique property ID which is important throughout the integration.

Bookeasy also have 4 main bookable operator types. Accommodation, Tours, Car Hire, and Tickets (aka Events).

If operators are not mapped to one of these types then that type will not require the beGadget integration built into the operator page, as they are a non-bookable operator.


When referring to 'events' we are referring to a simple 'Whats On' event list. These often include events such as markets or community events and are not Bookable.